Using Kermit

Atul Srinivasan atul at
Fri Jul 6 08:15:55 AEST 1990

	I need help uploading and downloading files to a sun3 using kermit on the
the sun3 end. If I dial up using (7 data, 1 stop bit, even parity) what do I need
to set in kermit ? Specifically,

1) Can I use no parity to transmit files ? Should I ?

2)Should I be using Kermit 8 bit binary, or 7 bit binary to receive ? 
I have an amiga on the other end which uses a pd terminal emulator that
understands both 7 & 8 bit protocol.

The end I am trying to reach is to get DNet up and running on the sun. I have
the unix sources on my amiga. I also cannot ftp from anywhere. So I guess I have to
upload the sources. Help. TIA

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