initial value of semaphores

Doug Schmidt schmidt at
Sun Jul 1 08:10:24 AEST 1990

After a successful system call to

	sem_id = semget (SEMKEY, 1, 0777 | IPC_CREAT);

is the result of 

	semctl (sem_id, 0, GETVAL, 0);

guaranteed to be 0? (assuming there are no errors, etc.).  In otherwords,
what is the semval field of semaphores initialized to?  TFM doesn't 
seem to indicate this, and neither do Bach's or Rochkind's books.


____*_  Douglas C. Schmidt          schmidt at
\  / /  Independence Technologies   {sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!schmidt
 \/ /   42705 Lawrence Place        FAX: 415 438-2034
  \/    Fremont, CA 94538           Voice: 415 438-2023

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