Help with Microport UNIX

Shawn Rogers shawn at wizvax.UUCP
Tue Jul 10 12:27:53 AEST 1990

Hi.  I'm a first time poster, and believe this belongs in comp.unix.microport,
but my host's POSTNEWS won't let me.  Sooo.. while I know you all love to 
flame, could you just ignore this if you don't like it?  Thanks much.


I have an XT running DOS.  It has an 80386 accelerator card, 1 meg of
expanded memory, and two 30 meg drives.  I use the MKS Toolkit to help
make life with DOS seem more like life with UNIX.


I have a friend who is willing to give me his old copy of Microport's 286
UNIX.  I would have to install a 1.2meg drive, but that's no problem.  
My real question is, will Microport work with 640K of ram? (I don't see 
how it would use the expanded memory board... but if it did, all the better).
Also, would it work with a 386 processor as oposed to a 286?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance for any help
you can give, and please send all replied via email.  

Shawn Rogers

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