How many uids and gids are allowed in SCO Xenix?

P.Garbha pgd at
Tue Jul 3 02:27:52 AEST 1990

In article <106 at rwing.UUCP> nanook at rwing.UUCP (Robert Dinse) writes:
>In article <1990Jun28.031638.15931 at>, chaiklin at (Seth Chaiklin) writes:
>> I am runing SCO Xenix/386 2.3.1.  I am curious about whether there
>> is a upper limit on uids and also a upper limit on group ids?
>     I've done some experimenting on that very subject and found 30,000
>to be the limit (not 32767 or some sensical boundry). 

In file /usr/include/sys/param.h you have the line:
#define	MAXUID	60000		/* max user id */
That would get me to assume the highest uid is 60000, not 30000. The
setuid() call makes an explicit test for this, and returns EINVAL if
greater. chown does not check anything, and you can have uid's up to

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