Help: Device driver from Xenix within Unix...

Marc A. Boschma [Tau] marcb at
Tue Jul 24 17:18:47 AEST 1990

I have a problem at work, and I wonder if anyone out there can tell me
if there is a solution.

I have a 386 running SCO Unix with a RabbitPLUS 3270 (SNA) card in it.
This all runs fine. The problem is that to get it to also handle BSC
another device driver (a Xenix one) has to be added to the kernal.

Is it possible to link a Xenix device driver into the Unix kernal?

If not, can the device driver be edited(I know it is a binary) ?

Marc A. Boschma					ACSnet: marcb%eyrie at labtam.oz.AU
Intelligent Network Systems
Telecom Australia				Phone: +61 3 606 6242

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