/rsh and /usr/bin/mailx - are they incompatible?

Rob McMahon cudcv at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Jul 25 00:18:00 AEST 1990

In article <2834 at awdprime.UUCP> tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com (Paul Chamberlain) writes:
>In article <1733 at tssi.UUCP> nolan at tssi.UUCP (Michael Nolan) writes:
>>When I try to use /usr/bin/mailx, I get the following message:
>>          sh: /usr/ucb/more: restricted
>Try setting PAGER=more and making sure more is in the search path.

But doesn't this blow away the whole point of using rsh, because you can get
out of more into vi via `v', set your shell to anything you want, and then
shell out ... (speaking as a BSD user who only remembers rsh from days of
abortively trying to make a secure environment).  As I recall we couldn't
allow any mail readers or pagers, and the only editor we could give out was ed
... real useful.

UUCP:   ...!mcsun!ukc!warwick!cudcv	PHONE:  +44 203 523037
JANET:  cudcv at uk.ac.warwick             INET:   cudcv at warwick.ac.uk
Rob McMahon, Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry CV4 7AL, England

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