TCP/IP software for SysV/386 ?

Bodzio Dlugogorski DH01%POLYTEC1.bitnet at
Mon Jul 9 13:46:28 AEST 1990

     I have a 386 machine (AT at T 6386E WGS) with UNIX System V/386
Release 3.2, which I would like to put on the Internet network.
Unfortunately, so far I have been unable to locate a FTP host with
a public domain software - STREAMS based TCP/IP with FTP and Telnet.
Does anybody in the UNIX world have any knowledge about the
existence of such a package or is my search futile ?
     From the vendors guide, which I have FTP'ed from
(via bitftp at pucc), and from the discussions with wizards, I have
learnt that there are some commercial packages which would do the
job. For example, Wollongog's WIN/386, Lachman's System V Streams
TCP, and Microport's TCP/IP. Would any kind soul care to comment on
their advantages and their drawbacks ? (I am planning to purchase
Western Digital WD8003E card.)
     Please reply directly, I will summarize if there is interest.

Thank you,

Bogdan Z. Dlugogorski
Ecole Polytechnique (Genie Chimique)      e-mail: dh01 at polytec1.bitnet
Case postale 6079, succ. A                phone:  +1-514-340-4627
Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3A7 Canada

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