L00king for books on C-shell scripting

John Chuck Seto jseto at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Tue Jul 24 16:14:13 AEST 1990

I am looking for a good book(s) on shell scripts for the C-shell.  I
am experimenting with shell scripts and a few books I've seen were 
cryptic and did not give me enough information to fully understand shell
scripts.  Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Please e-mail me at jseto at polyslo.calpoly.edu.

Thanks in Advance...

| jseto at polyslo.calpoly.edu    | Sicks-string --- Hummin' 'n' Strummin' 
| jseto at ares.calpoly.edu       |              --- Singin' the Blues 	
| jseto at data.acs.calpoly.edu   |              --- Playin' a rockin'
| jseto at cosmos.acs.calpoly.edu |                  bluesy classical piece

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