stty erase, kill, and tab settings

Roger Cornelius rac at sherpa.UUCP
Thu Jul 12 05:09:29 AEST 1990

When I login to my system over a modem, my erase and kill characters are
set differently (as reported by stty) than when I login on the console.
I'd like them to be the same without having to invoke stty.  I've searched
the manual pages for some clue as to what determines these settings.
There doesn't seem to be any way to specify them in /etc/gettydefs, and
I've tried changing the terminal type in /etc/ttytype also.

Also when logging in via modem, the tab key always expands to spaces.
I'd rather they didn't, but changing the stty settings (tabs tab[0-3])
doesn't help.

This is occuring on SCO's UNIX.  Can anyone give me any advice ?  

Roger A. Cornelius          rac at sherpa.UUCP         uunet!sherpa!rac

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