rewriting login

Mark Ferraretto mferrare at
Wed Jul 11 12:33:56 AEST 1990

instead of one.  At the moment this is a C program that prompts the user for
a special password (which is given in the prompt - for testing) using the getpass()
function.  The program the calls a copy of /bin/login passing it the person's
username.  For logins for terminals this works fine but the program hangs on
rlogins.  It prompts for the special password until the correct one is typed
(this is OK) but once the correct password is typed the program hangs.  Whereas
it should be calling the copy of /bin/login.  Any ideas?  If I take the getpass
function out - or for that matter not ask for any input from the terminal it
works fine.  I'm running SunOS 4.0.3 on a Sun 4/280 and several 3/60 workstation

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