t_free before closing descriptor?

stephen.a.rago sar0 at cbnewsl.att.com
Sat Jul 28 05:58:18 AEST 1990

In article <1601 at excelan.COM>, murthy at la.excelan.com (M.D. Srinivas Murthy) writes:
> In article <1990Jul25.045439.19914 at clark.uucp> ade at clark.edu (Adrian Miranda) writes:
> >t_connect, pop the timod module and push the tirdwr module.  Finally,
> >the file descriptor is returned to the caller, which uses it to do
> >whatever.  What I'm wondering is, can I t_free the T_CALL structure at
> Once you push the tirdwr module, you cannot use any TLI calls on that 
> descriptor. If you use, tirdwr module generates a fatal error, EPROTO.

Not strictly true.  t_free doesn't do anything except free the previously
allocated space.

> Is it necessary to pop the timod module before you push the tirdwr module?

Only if you want to avoid the overhead of an additional module on the stream.

Steve Rago
sar at attunix.att.com

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