Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Richard Tobin
richard at aiai.ed.ac.uk
Tue Jul 24 09:10:46 AEST 1990
In article <4346 at baird.cs.strath.ac.uk> jim at cs.strath.ac.uk (Jim Reid) writes:
>There have been an enormous number of queries about obtaining copies of
>the proceedings for the recent UKUUG conference in London. Copies are
>available through the UKUUG secretariat. The copies cost 50 pounds,
>excluding post and packing. Ordering details are given below.
Like everything else associated with this conference, the price of the
proceedings is ridiculous (50 pounds ~= $80). The comparably-sized
proceedings of the ACM Lisp conference a couple of weeks earlier cost
$26 to non-members. Similar comments apply to the cost of the
conference itself, and the cost of the "banquet".
Technically, the conference was very good. But where is all the money
-- Richard
Richard Tobin, JANET: R.Tobin at uk.ac.ed
AI Applications Institute, ARPA: R.Tobin%uk.ac.ed at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Edinburgh University. UUCP: ...!ukc!ed.ac.uk!R.Tobin
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