Real time unix

John Weald john at
Tue Jul 31 06:46:29 AEST 1990

In article <LARRY.90Jul27140311 at focsys.uucp> larry at focsys.uucp (Larry Williamson) writes:
>An excellent package is produced by VenturCom in the US. They use
>Interactive's Unix (2.0.2) as the basis and then add a driver and
>modify a couple of kernel functions to provide the real time response.
>They call their system RTX (They may have recently started to call it
>Venix/386, but I'm not sure).

I missed the original article but....

For a real time POSIX UNIX on a i386 try LynxOS. 
We are about to use them in-house for a project.

They have a fully preemptible kernel and other good stuff you would 
expect of a real time OS. They support X, TCP/IP, NFS client.

You can reach them at:

Lynx Real-Time Systems
16780 Lark Ave.
Los Gatos
CA 95030 
John Weald, Touch Communications, Campbell, CA

jweald at

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