Summary of responses regarding Jim Joyces Unix Bookstore

Scott Barman scott at
Wed Jul 18 03:40:54 AEST 1990

Just one question:  Why use any of these mail order companies to get
books anyway?  I could understand if there was a significant discount,
but by the time you pay for shipping, etc. the savings are minimal.  I
have never had a problem walking into (say) a B. Dalton's and ordering
any book they didn't have in stock--and I've never paid shipping charges

scott barman				NBC Systems Development
scott at			30 Rockerfeller Plaza, Room 1615W
{philabs,crdgw1}!nbc1!scott		New York, NY  10112	+1 212/664-2787
  (This does not represent any [un]official opinions of NBC or its affiliates)

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