Need Info On Computer/Manufacturer

David Vernon Warnes warnes at
Fri Jul 6 13:12:46 AEST 1990


I recently came to aquire a used UNIX box. The name of the box is a 
ONYX systems C8000. on closer inspection ( I opened the hood) I found the
mico processor to be a Z8000. I assume (yes I know the line ) that this
is a 16 bit representation of the Z80. Anyways to the point I need to
know if the company still exists or if any one has any manuals or
anything for this computer as it is running V3 UNIX and none of the
include files are on the system so as I cannot compile anything since
the standard I/O files are missing. I purchased the box (CHEAPLY) to
learn about UNIX system administration and so you can understand my
concerns. ANY Help would be greatly appreciated.

  					Farmer Dave

					warnes at

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