RCS question

James L. Logan logan at rockville.dg.com
Fri Jul 6 11:51:18 AEST 1990

I am posting this message for a co-worker who does not read news.

PLEASE REPLY BY EMAIL TO:  "Bert_Robbins at dgtel1.mceo.dg.com".

His message follows:
  From uunet!DGTEL1.ceo.dg.com!Bert_Robbins Thu Jul 5 19:55:00 1990
  Message-Id: <9007052330.AD00031 at rtp40.dg.com>
  From: uunet!DGC.ceo.dg.com!Bert_Robbins
  To: logan at rockville.dg.com
  Subject: Query for the World
  X-Ceo_Options: Short_message Certified
  I am currently developing a front end to RCS that is similar to the 
  Berkeley SCCS front end and I am having problems with permissions.  
  Specifically I am having problems with using setuid on my front 
  end program.  RCS seems to have problems with the semaphores and 
  directory permissions.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
James Logan                        UUCP: uunet!inpnms!logan
Data General Telecommunications    Inet: logan at rockville.dg.com
2098 Gaither Road                 Phone: (301) 590-3198
Rockville, MD 20850

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