Curses: How to make cursor invisible?

Thomas Omerzu omerzu at
Wed Jul 4 18:48:52 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul3.203337.6434 at>
ramkuma at (RAMKUMAR P RANGANA) writes:

>HI Ya'll!
>	I tried to find out the escape sequence for the  
>	vi = .. (entry in termcap) for making the cursor invisible
>	but could find one. I could not find the same in the 
>	terminal manual for VT220.

Try to use
to make cursor invisible and
to enable cursor again.

Hope it works for your terminal.

Thomas Omerzu      UUCP:     ...!unido!quando!omerzu / omerzu at quando.uucp
  Quantum GmbH,    Bitnet:   UNIDO!quando!omerzu / omerzu%quando at UNIDO(.bitnet)
Dortmund, Germany  Internet: omerzu at

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