How do you handle while(1) fork(); ?

Peter Steele peter at aucs.uucp
Wed Jul 11 21:56:12 AEST 1990

ARaman at (A.V. Raman) writes:

>Is there any way to kill all instances of a process that has the
>following piece of code in it without having to bring the system down?

>   while (1)
>      fork();

>Any help (by email) would be appreciated.

I think a summary of responses to this question would be appreciated.
We've had students do this on many occasions on our Sun. It's a pretty
quick way to crash the system and I for one would like to know if there
are any feasible solutions.

Peter Steele, Microcomputer Applications Analyst
Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121
UUCP: {uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}!!aucs!Peter
BITNET: Peter at Acadia  Internet: Peter at AcadiaU.CA

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