System V Release 4.0 versus BSD

Nick Crossley ndjc at hobbit.UUCP
Tue Jul 31 05:37:17 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul27.203756.18208 at> lars at (Lars Tunkrans) writes:
>ndjc at hobbit.UUCP (Nick Crossley) writes:
>>ICL has already shipped over 300 of our DRS6000 SPARC based systems,
>>running Unix V.4.
>Nick is just slightly wrong we have delivered more than 700 systems , I know 
>because I installed and commisioned serial 703 last week !

My figures might nave been slightly out of date, particularly in
respect to the European sales.  However, but quite a few of those
systems were for internal use (we have about 40 or so in our
development labs here.  I was referring strictly to customer
shipments, as the original poster was querying the PUBLIC availability
of V.4.

<<< standard disclaimers >>>
Nick Crossley, ICL NA, 9801 Muirlands, Irvine, CA 92718-2521, USA 714-458-7282
uunet!ccicpg!ndjc  /  ndjc at ccicpg.UUCP

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