Does showmount ever forget?

Henry Troup hwt at
Fri Jul 27 00:41:30 AEST 1990

In article <3717 at> guy at (Guy Harris) writes:
>>Is there any way of getting Pender to forget that these machines were
>>ever NFS clients?
>1) kill off "rpc.mountd";
>2) edit "/etc/rmtab" to remove the offending entries;
>3) start up "rpc.mountd" again.

I added 'rm /etc/rmtab; touch /etc/rmtab' in /etc/rc.local, to ensure that the
file is cleaned up on reboot.  What other files should be but aren't removed on

Henry Troup - BNR owns but does not share my opinions | 21 years in Canada...
uunet!bnrgate!hwt%bwdlh490 HWT at BNR.CA 613-765-2337    | 

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