Unnecessarily long pipelines

Richard Tobin richard at aiai.ed.ac.uk
Sat Jul 21 00:56:56 AEST 1990

In article <2358 at root44.co.uk> gwc at root.co.uk (Geoff Clare) writes:
>Why is it that people string together lots of "grep" commands in a
>pipeline, when they could do the same job with a single "sed" or "awk"

Because they can remember how to do it without thinking of course.  Just
like most csh users type "mv fred.c fred.c.old" instead of the shorter
"mv fred.c{,.old}"

-- Richard
Richard Tobin,                       JANET: R.Tobin at uk.ac.ed             
AI Applications Institute,           ARPA:  R.Tobin%uk.ac.ed at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Edinburgh University.                UUCP:  ...!ukc!ed.ac.uk!R.Tobin

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