distributed source code control

Richard Stevens stevens at hsi.UUCP
Fri Jul 20 23:19:37 AEST 1990

In article <65057 at lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> booloo at lll-crg.llnl.gov (Mark Boolootian) writes:
>Does anyone know if there is work going on to upgrade SCCS or RCS so they would
>be suitable for managing such distributed source code.

Last week at the UKUUG meeting in London the following paper was presented:

	"Development of a Distributed Revision Control System (DRCS)"
	by Brian O'Donovan and James Grimson, Dept. of Computer Science,
	Trinity College, Dublin 2, Rep. of Ireland.
		odonovan at cs.tcd.ie

The summary says that copies of DRCS are available free of charge from
the authors.  It is a modification to release 4.1 of RCS that consisted
of deleting 1,100 lines of code and inserting 1,786 new lines.

	Richard Stevens
	3M Health Information Systems, Wallingford, CT
	   stevens at hsi.com

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