WANTED: network benchmarks

Scott A Cattanach sacg1198 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Tue Jul 31 06:39:03 AEST 1990

cluther at supernet.UUCP (Clay Luther) writes:

>I need to get some network benchmarking programs so that I can evaluate
>several different unix systems.

You could ask on comp.dcom.lans, someone could point you to the
'tsock' program.  I don't know if it is PD or what.

 -catt (live: sacg1198 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu/dead: cattanac at cs.uiuc.edu)
       (or for you freenet buffs: ak601 at cleveland.freenet.edu)
I've never really trusted Smokey the Bear.  Everytime I see him I
wonder what happened to the Boy Scout that was orginally wearing that hat.

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