Gcc binary for 386 2.3.2 Xenix

Dr. Srodawa srodawa at vela.acs.oakland.edu
Sun Jul 8 13:26:06 AEST 1990

In article <15580 at s.ms.uky.edu> simon at ms.uky.edu (G. Simon Gales) writes:
>I'm trying to compile gcc, after getting bison/flex/gas working, but I
>end up with a segentation violation during compile.  
>Does anyone have any fixes/patches for compiling this beast under Xenix?
>If not, has anyone made the binary available for anon ftp?  I'd really 
>like to compile it myself, but I'm stuck.  

You can ftp a copy of the gcc installation diskette sutiable for use with
custom on the following site:
  unix.secs.oakland.edu  (
in the directory:
If you don't have ftp available, send me a personal message via e-mail.

| Ronald J. Srodawa               | Internet: srodawa at unix.secs.oakland.edu |
| School of Engineering and CS    | UUCP:     srodawa at egrunix.UUCP          |
| Oakland University              | Voice:    (313) 370-2247                |
| Rochester, Michigan  48309-4401 |                                         |

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