Two printers/one queue

Jim Rosenberg jr at oglvee.UUCP
Tue Jul 3 07:44:55 AEST 1990

jansteen at (Jan van der Steen) writes:

>We want one of our printer queues to be shared between two
>identical PostScript printers.
>So, if both printers are operational they will process the
>queue with double speed, and if one of them is down, then the
>operational one will do all the work.

>Does anybody have experience with such a setup?

The public domain BRL spooler, called MDQS (Multi-Device Queueing System)
will do this and much more.  I installed it on an AT&T 3b1 with no problem
at all, but attempting to do so on an Altos 2000 drove me nuts.  First the
code broke the compiler.  Specifically, one of the routines caused the
compiler to emit bad code, emerging from a function call with the frame
pointer messed up.  Altos verified this and is supposedly working on it.
When I blasted my way around that one I got the software to come up, sort
of, but it was very sick and mdqsdaemon kept dying.  When you can trust your
C compiler you just wanna put your head down and weep.  (Anyone have gcc
for V.3.1 on an Altos 2000 up and running?)

I don't know how healthy MDQS is on a VAX, but you might look into it.  MDQS
is a *neat* package.  It allows one queue to feed multiple devices and
multiple queues to feed one device and multiple queues to feed multiple
devices.  Sigh.  On my 3b1 it seems healthy as a tank, which is nice because
the 3b1 comes with a bit of a yucky spooler -- for all of my one users on
the 3b1 -- as opposed to my many many users on the Altos ...
Jim Rosenberg                        pitt
Oglevee Computer Systems                 >--!amanue!oglvee!jr
151 Oglevee Lane                      cgh
Connellsville, PA 15425                                #include <disclaimer.h>

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