FTP & Emacs!

Jay Patel jayd at rruxi.bae.bellcore.com
Fri Jul 6 03:46:08 AEST 1990


I have two easy questions. I am sure that someone out there will be able to 
help me out! 	 

1. I need Man Pages for Emacs. Any type(s) of document on Emacs Commands will
   be helpful. Specially, I am looking for spliting the screen into two 
   screen and opening two files as well as jumping back and forth between two 

2. There are many FTP sites where you can find valuable piece of information.
   What will be the login id and password require to access such sites? Is 
   it same/unique for all the sites? 
Thanx for your input.

Jay Patel
INTERNET : jayd at cellar.bae.bellcore.com
UUCP     : ..!bellcore!cellar!jayd

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