2 passwd system

Keith Gabryelski ag at cbmvax.commodore.com
Thu Jul 12 06:30:49 AEST 1990

In article <3502 at sactoh0.UUCP> jak at sactoh0.UUCP (Jay A. Konigsberg) writes:
>In article <201 at adam.adelaide.edu.au> mferrare at adelphi.ua.oz.au.oz.au
(Mark Ferraretto) writes:
>>I want to set up my login procedure to make users use two passwords
>>to login instead of one.
>>The problem I have is if I rewrite /bin/login how to I get getty to
>>recognise my login procedure instead of /bin/login apart from
>>overwriting it (I don't have sources)?  Is rewriting /bin/login the
>>best way to go about this?
>A simple solution, if /etc/profile is executed, is to put a second
>login as the first command in /etc/profile.

A user could hit the interrupt key before the first line in /etc/profile
is executed and thus bypass your second attempt at security.

A better way would be to replace the login shell of the user with your
own program that does The Right Thing.

Pax, Keith

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