
Alton Harkcom harkcom at potato.pa.Yokogawa.CO.JP
Sat Jun 9 09:21:12 AEST 1990


	I am trying to open a window on another display, close it, and open it
again. I use fork() to do this because I want to include a copy of the process
that sent the message. If I keep the message and kill the parent process, 
the original dies but leaves it window resource until I kill the child. To
get the parent to die cleanly, I included an XCloseDisplay() in the 
if (pid == 0) {} routine. This gives me errors when I try to exit the parent
process. It also limits me to one child process.

	I tried to set the closedownmode to RetainTemporary and then KillClient
when I exit the process, but this doesn't work. The window resource remains.

	How do I free the resource connection between the parent and child
without freeing the resources?

email to:  harkcom at pa.yokogawa.co.jp

--harkcom at potato.pa.yokogawa.co.jp

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