SEX! or, how do I mail to a lot of unix users?

Ronald Pikkert ronald at
Sat Jun 2 06:28:50 AEST 1990

>From article <900531083002.30e0d06c at Csa2.LBL.Gov>, by thermal%solgel.hepnet at CSA2.LBL.GOV:
> I would like to be able to send a mail message to all the users on
> a unix machine.  

Mailing to all user on your system, and not only to those currently
on the system, could be done with a script like:

mail `awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}
{print $1}
' < /etc/passwd` < tekstfile

It takes ALL the names from the passwordfile and mailes each user.

Take a textbook and study commandsubstitution if you're interested
in really taking advantage of the capabilities of the (bourne)shell.
The commandsubstitution mechanism is basicaly used if the output of 
a command is needed as an argument for another command.

Ronald Pikkert                 E-mail: ronald at
@ AT Computing b.v.            Tel:    080 - 566880
6525 ED  Nijmegen

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