POSIX equivalent to <sys/file.h> or <fcntl.h>

Gordon Burditt gordon at sneaky.lonestar.org
Mon Jun 25 05:41:00 AEST 1990

From:  gordon at sneaky.lonestar.org (Gordon Burditt)

>Would some please tell me what header file (or files) is the POSIX-
>equivalent to the BSD <sys/file.h> or the System V <fcntl.h>.

Assuming you're looking for defines like O_RDONLY, the equivalent
is <fcntl.h>.

>(If someone would send me a general header-file mapping, that would be 

In general, the equivalent of the System V header <x> in POSIX is
either <x> or doesn't exist (isn't standardized).

						Gordon L. Burditt

Volume-Number: Volume 20, Number 48

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