HP-UX Information wanted

Dave Decot decot at hpisod2.HP.COM
Wed Jun 27 08:05:47 AEST 1990

> From the name I suspect it is HP's UNIX.  If that is so, is it
> a BSD derivative?  Does it have TCP/IP with a BSD socket interface?

You are correct about the name.

Although the kernel is a BSD derivative, HP-UX is fully compatible with
the System V Release 3 base system, and passes the corresponding SVVS
conformance test suite completely.

HP-UX also provides most of the popular BSD functionality, including job
control, high-resolution timers, Berkeley/ARPA networking, and sockets,
and it therefore has TCP/IP with a BSD socket interface.

In the U.S., you can call 800-752-0900 for more information about HP-UX.
Or, if you wish, you can post more questions here.

Dave Decot

    Standard disclaimer -- personal opinions only.

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