UNIX Editor Requirement

J.D.Berry berry at hq.af.mil
Sat Jun 9 06:14:02 AEST 1990

Basically, I need TED (on Honeywell) functionality on an IBM

Could someone tell me which LINE editor exists in the UNIX environment
which will allow the following: 

-  Access column by number and change data within those specified columns.
   example:  sed 's/(13)8/45/g'  - wherever there is an '8' in column 13
								   replace it with a '45' 
-  The inserting of blank spaces before/after any column, without 
   losing the data in that column.

-  The capability of modifying files of up to 1,044,480 bytes.

-  Buffer capabilities.
     (Create, display, delete, move, substitute, save, execute
	 commands, etc...) 

-  Special characters.

-  Creation of editor macros.

Does such an animal exist or is there anything close?  ed just doesn't
do it, and I need a line editor.

Thanks in advance,

berry at hq.af.mil

Jim Berry  
berry at hq.af.mil
"Over Macho Grande?"         
"No, I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande."

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