UNIX Public Domain Databases

Gerald Partsch gsp98 at wash08.uucp
Fri Mar 2 03:40:00 AEST 1990

I would like to find information on Public Domain databases
for Unix System V (V.2 or V.3) that are for small to medium
personal applications.  Please e-mail to me at the following address:

UUCP:   ...uunet!wash08!gsp98
bitnet: gsp98 at CAS

I will summarize and post for those of you that are interested.

Name:		Gerald S. Partsch, Systems Engineer			
Organization:  	American Chemical Society
U.S. Mail:     	1155 16th St. N.W.  	Washington, DC 20036
Phone:		(202) 452-2103 (Work)		 (703) 369-6701 (Home)
UUCP:		...!uunet!wash08!gsp98	
BITNET:		gsp98 at CAS

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