Was: ctl-Z on process, more explicity question...

Kartik Subbarao subbarao at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Thu Mar 29 23:51:02 AEST 1990

In article <6000 at rouge.usl.edu> pcb at gator.cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) writes:
>csh and BSD Unix
>Start a job:   prog &
>then logout
>login back in later and do a ps
>job is running but you are not at controlling terminal
>It seems to be a reasonable (which might be the problem) request 
>to 'command' the job to pause and then continue (just like I could do 
>if I did not log out).
>using the kill -STOP pid; kill -CONT pid does not work.

kill -STOP and kill -CONT may or may not be specific to a system. The
best way to find out what exactly are the codes is by doing a man page
on sigvec(2). It lists all of the interrup codes, and for example, on 
phoenix (VAX-8700 running Ultrix 2.0)

kill -17 is SIGSTOP
kill -18 is SIGTSTP (There's a difference between them)

kill -19 is SIGCONT (Continues after a stop)

That, and more codes are listed as well.


subbarao@{phoenix,bogey or gauguin}.Princeton.EDU -|Internet
kartik at silvertone.Princeton.EDU (NeXT mail)       -|	
subbarao at pucc.Princeton.EDU		          - Bitnet

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