Ditroff & Encapsulation

lazear at gateway.mitre.org lazear at gateway.mitre.org
Sat Mar 10 07:47:35 AEST 1990

Does anyone know how to include encapsulated postscript into
a ditroff document?  I have tried using the .cf request within
the source document (during ditroff processing) and I have
tried the \\!x ... gimmick to try to pass the stuff past ditroff.

My problem seems to be the interpreter (psdit) that takes ditroff output
and creates the postscript that is sent to the printer.  It doesn't
let the "x" commands come through.

Is there some "normal" way to encapsulate postscript into ditroff?
Please reply directly to me, since I don't regularly read this list.
Thanks in advance.

	Walt Lazear
	lazear at gateway.mitre.org

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