Backups using compress

Steven M. List itkin at mrspoc.Transact.COM
Wed Nov 28 11:55:22 AEST 1990

dpence at ( Dwayne Pence) writes:

>Does anyone know of a way to compress files before sending them through 
>cpio or tar to tape without actually creating a ".Z" file on disk.  I am 
>trying to create backup tapes which are compressed versions of our files 
>on disk.  Any help would be appreciated.

CTAR from Microlite (Pennsylvania, I think - I'm home and don't have the
info here) does compression as it writes the tape, and does it in memory.
It's a pretty slick product, and I recommend it highly.
 :                Steven List @ Transact Software, Inc. :^>~                  :
 :           Chairman, Unify User Group of Northern California                :
 :     {apple,coherent,limbo,mips,pyramid,ubvax}!itkin at guinan.Transact.COM    :

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