/bin read bits

Pete Gregory pete at wvus.wciu.edu
Fri Nov 30 07:37:17 AEST 1990

Is there any good reason why UNIX systems are shipped with the read bit set
for 'other' in /bin and /usr/bin binaries?

We'd like to turn the read bits off for all but user and group.

I'm aware that shell scripts are exempt from this possibility (right?),
because sh needs to be able to read the file.

Ignorant minds want to know...
Pete Gregory, UNIX SA  |  pete at wvus.wciu.edu                  |
World Vision USA/ISD   |  wciu!wvus!pete                   ___|___
919 W. Huntingon Dr.   |  Voice: 818/357-7979 x3347           |
Monrovia, CA  91016    |  FAX:   818/303-6212                 |

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