Tape read error - now what ?

Martin Boening mboen at nixdorf.de
Wed Nov 28 19:12:14 AEST 1990

Hello again,

since I posted my question, I've found 1 answer to the problem:

use tar to extract all files up to the bad block, then rewind tape,
use the MT command (BSD UNIX) to wind the tape past the bad block (speci=
fying one of those tape drives in /dev, which don't rewind,
then use a good tar (I used GNU tar 1.08) which can resynchronize to
extract the rest of the archive.

Are there any other posibilities?



Email: in the   USA ->  mboening.pad at nixdorf.com
       outside  USA ->  mboening.pad at nixdorf.de
Paper Mail: Martin Boening, Nixdorf Computer AG, SNI STO SI 355,
	    Pontanusstr. 55, 4790 Paderborn, W.-Germany  (Phone: +49 5251 146155)

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