Odd Terminal Behavior

Mark A Allyn maa at ssc-vax.UUCP
Sun Nov 18 06:39:49 AEST 1990

I am having wierd terminal behavior when I am using my terminal and modem
and trying to use VI. Here is the set up:

1. Terminal is a Tandy DT100 which emulates a VT100.
2. Modem is a DSI 9624le running at 2400 baud.
3. Modem at host machine is unknown but is capable of up to 2400
4. Host machine is a VAX780 running BSD4.3
5. I telnet to another host machine (this being a Sun Sparc 1+ running
   SunOs 4.01). Note that I can only use telnet since the Sun's host
   name and address is not in the host table in the VAX and rlogin 
   expects a host name and not a decimimal notation of an Internet
6. Once on the Sun, I do the following.
  a. setenv TERM vt100
  b. stty 2400
  c. stty cols 80
  d. stty rows 24
7. I attempt to run VI or do anything else.

I think that the terminal is either getting spurous characters or there
is no control of the speed of the output of the VI or other session that
I am running. I would think that the stty 2400 should take care of that
but it appears not to. Is there something else that I have to do in order
to ensure that the buffering between the application and the terminal
is not being overloaded?


Mark A. Allyn  phone    206-477-2937 (day)  206-526-8852 (nite)

               US Mail  Boeing Company
                        Mail Stop 8Y-03
			P.O. Box 3999
			Seattle Wa. 98124

               Email    uw-beaver!ssc-vax!ssc-bee!maa

	       Ham      WA1SEY

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