Retrieve keyboard commands like VM/CMS

Jeff Smith jeffs at bcs800.UUCP
Sat Nov 3 05:23:10 AEST 1990

In <1990Nov1.121612.724 at> joc at writes:

>Is there a way to retrieve previously typed commands in UNIX similar
>to the way IBM's VM/CMS does it, ie, hit the retrieve key and the
>previous command appears and may now be edited on the command line?

Try using the K Shell (ksh), it supports command line editing using
the vi editing commands, maybe even other editors like emacs.

Both Bourne and C-shell do not support command line editing that I know

Jeff Smith                  | #include <stdDisclaimer.h>
Brock Control Systems       | uucp: ...!gatech!emory!bcs800!jeffs
Technical Support           | bitnet: hadadax at gsuvm1.bitnet
                            | jiffy: length of time it takes me to solve
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