How to access dos partition from vpix?

Boyd Ostroff ostroff at Oswego.EDU
Sat Oct 20 05:15:54 AEST 1990

Please, PLEASE everybody; the unix-pc groups are dedicated to discussion
of the AT&T 7300/3B1/Unix-PC, a 68010-based unix box.  They are NOT
intended as a general forum to talk about "unix" on "pc's".  Many of us
are paying long-distance phone bills to get our own newsfeeds so could you 
please move this to a more appropriate group?


 ==    Boyd Ostroff, Tech Director   ==     Sys Admin, "The CallBoard"      ==
||||  Dept of Theatre, SUNY Oswego  ||||   Serving the Performing Arts     ||||
||||        (315) 341-2987          ||||  315-947-6414 1200/2400 baud 8N1  ||||
 ==     ostroff at    ==   cboard!sysop at    ==

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