File Broadcast

Rob Warnock rpw3 at
Wed Oct 17 11:41:59 AEST 1990

In article <45509 at apple.Apple.COM> erekose at (Erik Scheelke) writes:
| We have a local area network of UNIX based PCs running TCP-IP, and I
| was asked if there was any software that will broadcast a file to all
| machines on the network.  I didn't know of any and was wondering if
| anyone out there in netland knew of any.  If not, I guess I will have
| to write something myself.  I would appreciate any infomation about
| programs or algorithms that do file broadcasting.  It must use a broadcast,
| not a copy to one machine then copy to another method (i.e. UDP), and
| if a machine is up it must reliably send the file.

Using the multicast features of the XTP protocol, you could do what you
want with something like the following:

        for i in $MACHINELIST
		# start each receiver listening
                rsh $i 'txtp -r -s -M | tar xf - &'
	# now multicast the file
        txtp -t -s -M <src_file

"Txtp" is an XTP-ized version of "ttcp", the common TCP test program.

Of course, you need XTP support on each machine...   ;-}


Rob Warnock, MS-9U/510		rpw3 at		rpw3 at
Silicon Graphics, Inc.		(415)335-1673		Protocol Engines, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA  94039-7311

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