UNIX BLIT terminal emulator wanted for the Mac Plus

Kent Borg kent at circus.camex.com
Tue Oct 30 10:40:08 AEST 1990

If you want to have more than one session on a Unix machine from a
Mac, try "uw".  It stands for "Unix Windows", I am using it right now,
it is great.

It requires server code running on the Sun and the uw application on
the Mac.  I use uw to login to the Sun, type "uw" to start up the
program on the Sun end, and I can have as many as 7 windows, each a
seperate session.

They all multiplex over the same serial line--be it a quick direct
connect here at work or a slow modem from home.

You can get uw from the usual ftp servers (so I am told, I don't have
ftp access), or from the list server at Rice (send the message "help"
to "listserv at icsa.rice.edu").

Kent Borg                            internet: kent at camex.com   AOL: kent borg
                                            H:(617) 776-6899  W:(617) 426-3577
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