Unix System Administration & Performance Tuning

Unigroup of New York unigroup at murphy.com
Tue Oct 9 09:59:05 AEST 1990


We at Unigroup of New York (the New York area Unix Users
Group) are planning a meeting on Unix System Administration
& Performance Tuning for November 14, 1990. 

We are turning to you, the system administrators for help in
choosing what specific areas we should discuss. Listed below
are several general areas we thought would be of interest.
Please take a couple of seconds to comment about your needs
for each of the general topics.

Please send your replies to 

	unigroup at murphy.com

Thank you


Your needs in NIS (Yellow Pages)
  (For example: what is it and how to create a new map)

Your needs in disk optimization
  (For example: multi spindle, multi controller environments)

Your needs in memory optimization
  (For example: keeping programs in memory )

Your needs in Kernel Configuration issues
  (For example: how to put your kernel on a diet..)

Your needs in Network Configuration Issues
  (For example: Construting a network, Router vs Brouter vs Bridge)

Your needs in Benchmarking (Tools & Issues)
  (For example: interperting the *stat programs)

Your needs in Performance & Tuning tools
  (For example: Performance management of multiple systems (local & Remote))

Other needs:
	(For example

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