A question on RCS and GNU-make

Keith Refson keith at earth-sciences.oxford.ac.uk
Wed Oct 24 23:01:37 AEST 1990

amoffat at sunc.mqcc.mq.oz.au (Andrew Moffat) asks:
> The RCS doco states: "MAKE has been extended with an auto-checkout
> feature for RCS".  Is this referring to GNU-make, or some other
> version of make?

In the absence of a modified make, the targets

%.c:		RCS/%.c,v
		co $@

%.h:		RCS/%.h,v
		co $@

will do the trick using Sun's make.
|	Keith   Refson			  |ROYAL MAIL:                     |
|-----------------------------------------|   Department of Earth Sciences |
| JANET   : keith at uk.ac.ox.earth          |   Parks Road                   |
| INTERNET: keith at earth.ox.ac.uk          |   Oxford OX1 3PR               |
| BITNET  : keith%uk.ac.ox.earth at ukacrl   |   UK                           |
| UUCP    : K.Refson at ed.uucp              |PHONE   : +44 865 272026/272016 |
|         : keith%uk.ac.ox.earth at ukc.uucp |FAX     : +44 865 272072        |

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