Sensing of Login name of remote users

Vincent Reed vreed at
Fri Oct 19 16:09:23 AEST 1990

	Help me out, please. I am assembling a communications system, for my
student engineering group. Most of the users are naive, so we want to 
automatically log their rlogins into the system. THe remote machines could be
anything, but the local host here is running BSD. I've talked to allthe local
geniuses I could find, and none could think of anything. 

We want to record both their remote account name, and machine name, so we can
get back to them, and help them use the system. I can get machine addresses
from who or last, but I can't figure out how to get the remote login name.
I know that both the rlogind and the ftpd use this info. Is there some way to
access this info from them?

Please respond by e-mail; putting this system together is keeping me too busy
to read the news.

Thanx in advance.
					Vincent Reed
					Open Computing Facility.

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