Why idle users should be killed (was Re: Preventing Idle in telnet)

Jay Maynard jmaynard at thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu
Tue Oct 2 07:04:30 AEST 1990

In article <18986:Oct120:22:5990 at kramden.acf.nyu.edu> brnstnd at kramden.acf.nyu.edu (Dan Bernstein) writes:
>pty. It slices! It dices! It autodisconnects! :-)

Yes, but does it run on System V with ptys?

Sounds like a cron daemon to figure out who's idle for some amount of time,
and then kill(pid,SIGHUP) the offenders, would be just the thing with everyone
going through pty.

Tell me, though, Dan: will it feed my cats when I'm away? :-)

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
jmaynard at thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu  | adequately be explained by stupidity.
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