Question on NN

phil at phil at
Thu Sep 13 09:54:00 AEST 1990

Since I cannot find a newsgroup on news readers, I'll ask here.

I am trying to convert over from NOTES to NN (due to NOTES being phased out
here) and NN is just not being friendly at all.  The man pages are quite
ambiguous (apparently drawing on assumed experience with things like rn
that I do not have).

I tried to point NN to one of my lists of newsgroups (so I don't have to
start all over with selecting my groups) and it simply exits without any
action or message (it should at least give a message if I am doing something
wrong).  My list of newsgroups is in "group<NL>group<NL>group<>..." format.
Will this work or do I need to reformat these files some other way?

Is there any chance the database is out of sync?  I've heard that this can
happen and really messes things up when it does.

Also, are there any ALTERNATIVE news readers available that use NNTP and
can be installed in a private area without any root access (just in case
we can't get NN working)?

--Phil Howard, KA9WGN-- | Individual CHOICE is fundamental to a free society
<phil at> | no matter what the particular issue is all about.

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