UUCP over X.25

Lars Tunkrans lars at iclswe.icl.se
Wed Sep 12 07:11:28 AEST 1990

dvv at hq.demos.su (Dmitry V. Volodin) writes:

>Is there something like that?

Yes, there is in two variants that I know of :

1)  The UUCP "f" type protocol which I have only heard of, I have got the
    impression that this UUCP version runs over the X.25 network layer and
    is a SVR 5.2 soloution.

2)  On SVR 5.3 and SVR 5.4,  ICL has implemented the UUCP "e" type protocol
    to run over the Transport Level Interface ( TLI ) that AT&T supplied as
    a part of SVR5.3, Using the TLI we can use UUCP over the OSI transport 
    protocoll that sits on top of X.25 as Layer 4 in the OSI model. This
    also works with OSI protocol on Ethernet.

Hope this helps 


Lars Tunkrans  Phone +46 (0)76096368. |  The ICL DRS6000 SPARC system is still  
      DRS Systems Support.            |  the only off the shelf deliverable 
UUCP: uunet!mcsun!sunic!iclswe!lars   |  Unix System V Release 4.0 system.
DOMAIN Address : lars at iclswe.icl.se   |   

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