ps on systeme crash core file

Guy Harris guy at
Thu Sep 27 04:19:53 AEST 1990

>Don't you have crash(1M) ??

He does, since he has SunOS 4.1 (assuming the system administrator
installed whatever the appropriate optional software category is),
although the man page is called "crash(8)" there. 

As for "how to do 'ps -aux vmunix.3 vmcore.3', to quote from the 4.1
manual page:

	     ps [ [-]acCegjklnrSuUvwx ][ -tx ]|[ num ]
		  [ kernel-name ] [ c-dump-file ] [ swap-file ]

	     kernel-name specifies the location of the  system  namelist.
	     If  the  -k  option  is given, c-dump-file tells ps where to
	     look for the core dump.  Otherwise, the core dump is located
	     in the file /vmcore and this argument is ignored.  swap-file
	     gives the location of a swap file other  than the  default,
although he could have looked it up himself in said man page....

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